“It’s very tough,” Toussaint said after the game, via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “I hate losing. Definitely, I hate fumbling the football. Especially when it’s in a position like that …

“They made a great play. You’ve got to give them credit. But in my position, I put it on me."

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Toussaint’s fumble did play a major role in the eventual outcome of the game. The Steelers were driving inside Broncos territory, up 13-12. Then Denver got the ball and drove down the field for a touchdown and two-point conversion.

“I’ve got to protect the ball,” a sad Toussaint said. “There’s no excuse for that."

Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and coach Mike Tomlin both tried to console him after the game because the fumble was weighing so much on him.

“I told him … we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him,” Roethlisberger said. “This is not all on him by any means. It’s on all of us."

The Post-Gazette pointed out, “Toussaint, still in full uniform, sat with his face in his locker for nearly 30 minutes after the game.” 

Tomlin tried consoling his running back, too, but even the man leading this team couldn’t help but spill his emotions. He was reportedly tearful after the game, a rarity for the coach.

“There was a lot of emotion. I never saw him cry like that,” said receiver Martavis Bryant. “I cried, too. It’s just a hurt feeling. It’s just really hard right now. Because of the adversity we faced. It’s a hurtful feeling.”