The impromptu Shield reunion was one of the most exciting moments on Raw this year, and now many fans are speculating as to what the company’s long-term plans for the group are.

Of course, this isn’t the first Shield reunion we have seen in the WWE. The group briefly reunited at the end of 2017, but their run was cut short thanks to injuries to both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.

With all three superstars fit and firing on all cylinders, the WWE may finally have the chance to provide fans with The Shield reunion they have all been waiting for. Let’s take a look at five directions the WWE could go in with the newly reunited group.

#1 Nowhere

Let’s get this one out of the way first. Ambrose and Rollins came down on Raw to save Reigns from an attack by Braun Strowman and simply put, that could be all there is. The guys come down to help each other when they need it, but the group may not be a consistent unit on TV like they used to be.

Similar to how AJ Styles and Finn Balor have used The Club in the past, the group could just be on hand when Reigns or Rollins needs some help defending the belt.

It wouldn’t be too unlike the WWE to have the two men simply join Roman Reigns at time to time in an attempt to get The Big Dog cheered. The company are desperate to establish Roman Reigns as the top guy in the company, and they may be under the belief that having Rollins and Ambrose by his side is a shortcut to achieving that.

Now, bear in mind that the WWE could always choose to pull the trigger on a full-blown Shield reunion, however, we have been teased as regards that far too many times now. The Shield members often reunite, only to disband almost immediately, and while that doesn’t make sense from a short-term storyline perspective, it is what it is.

#4 Heel turn

There was quite a lot of ambiguity around The Shield’s return on Raw this week. While it doesn’t initially seem like the intention is for the group to be out and out heels, attacking Braun Strowman is not exactly the kind of thing fan favorites would do.

If the company want to push the idea of Strowman Vs The Shield, then someone in the feud is going to have turn heel.

Strowman is one of the most over superstars in the WWE right now, so knowing the WWE, they will probably to play him as the heel in this scenario, but having The Shield play the heels here could be a lot more fun.

Both Rollins and Ambrose have arguably found more success in their careers playing heels, and fans have been desperate to see Reigns turn heel for some time now. The Shield found great success in their original run as heels, and given how much the three men have grown in the six years since they debuted, this time around could be even more fruitful.

#3 All of the gold/Total Domination

Having every member of a successful stable holding gold is one of the biggest tropes in wrestling, but simply put, it never gets old.

As it stands, the group hold the Universal and Intercontinental Titles, and considering Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins never got their rematch for the tag team titles last year, there is every chance that the two men could set their sights on that in the very near future.

Could a female superstar join the group and capture the Women’s title? It doesn’t seem likely, but it shouldn’t be ruled out altogether, and would instantly elevate whoever they decided to do it with. Former NXT Women’s champion, Shayna Baszler could be an ideal candidate.

Of course, this could also lead to a new stable stepping up to challenge the group for their crowns a little later down the line. The Undisputed Era, anyone?

#2 Dean Ambrose Turns Heel

One thing that has been noted by a lot of people since The Shield reunited on Raw, is that Dean Ambrose is currently the only member of the group not holding any gold.

During the initial Shield run, all three members were considered equals, since then, however, a lot has changed.

Reigns and Rollins have established themselves as two of the top stars in the WWE, and while Ambrose has found a lot of success, he hasn’t become the main-event fixture the other two have done.

While Ambrose is riding a wave of momentum at the minute, it is worth remembering that he really wasn’t doing a great deal before The Shield reunion in late 2017.

Feeling like an inferior member to the other two, and consistently being forced to help them defend their belts, Ambrose could finally snap, taking out his friends and making it his intention to capture their gold.

A heel turn could establish Ambrose as one of the top stars in the industry, and could finally see him get the main-event spot he deserves.

#1 WrestleMania Triple Threat

Of all the options the WWE has available with The Shield, this is the one fans would want to see the most.

The Shield have faced off in a triple-threat once before, with Dean Ambrose coming out on top at Battleground 2016.

While the match was excellent, the trio deserves a better stage than Battleground, and there were also other circumstances surrounding Roman Reigns that ruined the build-up somewhat as well.

The set-up here is simple. Have Reigns keep hold of his belt until Royal Rumble, and then have Ambrose and Rollins both go over the top rope at the same time in the Rumble match, setting up a mouthwatering tie as the main event of WrestleMania 35.

WrestleMania 35 could go on to an era-defining event for the company, especially with rumours of a first-ever all-female main event match, and these three performers are arguably the ones who define the current product more than anyone else.

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