Of course, not everything WWE did at Stomping Grounds was perfect and the company probably could have made a different decision here and there, but overall, it was an uptick in programming from every angle. Furthermore, it was something that rejuvenated the WWE Universe, and that has been desperately needed for a while now!

With that being said and the book now closed on another pay per view, here are five genius moves WWE made at the Stomping Grounds pay per view. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you thought of the Stomping Grounds pay per view.

#5 Saving Lesnar’s Money in the Bank cash in

While Brock Lesnar cashing in his Money in the Bank contract would have been the only thing that could have made the pay per view any better, it’s actually great that WWE held off on it for now. Sure, they hinted at it a few times here and there, but having his presence mentioned and not felt was a nice shadow over the pay per view.

Not only did it make fans want to tune in for both Seth Rollins’s and Kofi Kingston’s title matches that night, but it also set helped to make each matchup a little more intense as well. If nothing else, this gives WWE a chance to save Lesnar for a later time and gives a new superstar a chance at going after Seth Rollins.

#4 Giving Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn a win

Although both Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens’s returns started off with a bang, they both once again found themselves being defeated over and over again by the babyfaces. Fortunately for the duo, they earned a huge win over The New Day that will hopefully propel them to something bigger.

Maybe the two can even enter The Universal title picture and provide another back against the wall situation for Rollins to overcome. It is also the perfect way to showcase Rollins and Zayn’s promo skills, thus creating a combustible title picture for fans to enjoy. It could even serve as a stop gap until WWE decides what they want to do with Lesnar and the Money in the Bank contract.

Of course, whether WWE builds upon this or not remains to be seen and will depend on how much faith they have in Zayn and Owens as title contenders, but the only other reasonable choice would be McIntyre or another go around with Rollins.

#3 Bayley retaining The Smackdown Women’s Championship

Another thing the WWE Universe needs to be honest about is the fact that keeping the title on Bayley was one of the best decisions the company could have made right now. In fact, it allows a new star to enter the title picture and gives Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross a chance to explore their friendship while chasing the Women’s Tag Team Championship.

It even gives WWE a chance to explore this new and reinvigorated Bayley, which could eventually lead to a heel turn if the company plays its cards right. Maybe this will even be enough to bring Sasha Banks back to WWE so the two can finally have that title feud everyone was waiting for.

In the end, the possibilities are endless and WWE has put themselves in a great position going forward. They have also managed to make the Smackdown Women’s Championship more relevant than ever, and that’s a great thing for a women’s division that was struggling for so long.

#2 Having Richocet win The U.S Title

WWE needed some new blood at the top of the midcard, and interestingly enough have apparently decided to put Richochet into that role. At least, it seems that way after defeating Samoa Joe for The United States title at Stomping Grounds, and it could be the beginning of a huge push for the young star.

It also sets the stage for what should be a very intense midcard title picture, which is one of the things Monday Night Raw really needs right now. They also needed someone new to finally reach one of WWE’s brass rings, and they finally got that with Ricochet winning his first main roster title.

In the end, it could be the beginning of something big or could end up being a big mistake, but at least WWE tried something new. Beyond that, they put the title on a rising star and that at least has to show fans that the company cares.

#1 The main event

Let’s be honest here.

Next to no one saw this swerve coming and it was honestly one of the most brilliant moves WWE has made in a while. Think about it! It was something so unexpected and jaw-dropping that it forced fans to once again pay attention. If nothing else, the company raised the stakes in their storytelling with this decision and the crowd took it, hook, line, and sinker.

NNow Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch’s relationship is at the forefront of WWE and the company can use that to tell some very interesting storytelling options going forward. It might even lead to the two teaming together in the future, which would really be great for ratings as something goes on.

In the end, the move also keeps Lacey Evans in Becky Lynch’s crosshairs and relevant at the same time. Of course, some of that relevancy diminished after taking a tap out victory to Lynch in the opening match, but this might be enough to spur at least one more rematch between the two before all is said and done.

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