Character swapping scenes

The recently introduced character swapping mechanism, despite being attractive on various accounts, has its fair share of shortcomings. Most notable defect can be seen when you change over from Michael to Trevor. For example, in one of those instances, Trevor could be seen wearing only briefs that would lead to wasting around 10 minutes of valuable playing time to make sure he gets dressed, to continue with the game.

Cheat codes are being missed already

As strange as it may sound for those who do not play the game, cheat codes form a critical part of GTA. Rockstar is one of the few creators who endorse the use of cheats by merging them in the gameplay. Although the game is only in its nascent stages, the lack of cheat codes are being felt already, and it makes the game arduous at times. The sooner the cheat codes are cracked, especially for the factors like health, armour, money and weapons, the better it is.

Cars in garage vanish

The sole purpose of garage is to safe hold the vehicles parked inside them. Except in GTA, it doesn’t hold true. The vehicles vanish much to the exasperation of the users. The creators have appealed to the players to not use the garages till the glitch is fixed. Considering that the storage of vehicles is paramount in the game, it is difficult to pay heed to the designers’ request. To play the game to its full without employing the parking space is practically not viable.

Animals have too much power

There are no shortage of animals in GTA, ranging from guard dogs to sharks. In the recent version of GTA, it appears that a little bite is all it requires to severely dent a player’s health. As discussed above, with no cheat codes, it only makes survival even more strenuous. In a game where players don’t like to be killed by opponents, getting murdered by animals is last thing that one would expect.

The deadlocked articles evoke boredom

One gets the feel that there are way too many static objects in GTA 5. It goes on to an extent where almost every shop and building is unworkable. The Vespucci Beach outdoor gym, the shops and stalls in promenade, all remain inaccessible. The fact that the pedestrians do not relate to the gameplay in any way only adds to the jadedness.

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