But after the Invincible class of 2004 left the club one by one, Arsenal could not match the expectations of their fans. Year after year, they have a decent run and end up trophy-less claiming that they are “one player short”. Last year, they were in a position to win four trophies and squandered each one of them.

So, it is about time you Gooners come to terms with these delusions that you have been having for some time now.

Arsenal fan says “Wenger is IRREPLACABLE”

Really? Think about it. You guys say that your club was nothing before the Frenchman came but 10 first division titles are nothing? Seriously?

They also say “You cannot sack a manager who has given you everything”. Frank Rijkaard was greatly successful with Barca, but they sacked him and look how they are now.

Quite frankly, if things are not working you have to try different thing and Arsenal are not doing it.

We had to survive transitioning into a new stadium!

Yes, Arsenal had to move into the Emirates and it did cost them loads of money. But, in no way can that be an answer for Arsenal’s lack of trophies.

Jose Mourinho’s FC Porto managed winning the Champions League after they moved into their new stadium in 2003 and that is not a small feat. If Porto can do that, why not Arsenal?

We play beautiful football and that matters the most

This one is a classic.

I completely agree that Arsenal is probably the only team that can match Barcelona‘s style of play in England, but what is the use if that doesn’t result in trophies?

No one will ever laud Barcelona this much if they don’t win trophies. For me, Arsenal are a team of talented wonder kids with no leadership skill.

Minus to that Fabregas and Nasri and they probably will never win a trophy with this squad.

Let the financial fair play rules come and we’ll show our strength

The Manchester City‘s and Real Madrid’s have already found loopholes in the so called “Financial Fair Play” to inject money into their squad.

The Arab owner of Man City has started channeling his own money into the club through sponsorships. One thing that is very evident about these rich owners is that they are not investing money to make money. They are interested in winning and they probably will do anything to achieve that. So, the Man City’s and Madrid’s will never go bankrupt!

Monsieur Wenger has the great plan for the future!

The cult of Wenger says that every thing is part of his big plan. The transfer of Ramsey, Wilshire, Walcott and endless number of youngsters was supposed to be the plan for the future.

But, what has it resulted in? Virtually nothing.

The 2-8 defeat at Manchester was a realization of some sorts for many Arsenal fans.

Wenger has a great profile but you cannot always go by past reputation. If Arsenal end this year trophyless and if van Persie leaves, then they will have to start from scratch once again.

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