Some of these things have been great and changed the very landscape of the industry forever, but other decisions have run fans off forever and given off the feeling of a don’t care attitude from the company. Of course, WWE has changed a lot of their booking over the last couple of months and to great success in many cases, but problems still linger.

Whether WWE can fix those problems are up to them and will depend on whether they actually see the following things as problems or not, but the fans have seen these things as problems for years now. In fact, some of the things that will be listed below are probably the reason why a lot of fans have chosen to just walk away!

With that being said and WWE doing its best booking right now in the months leading into WrestleMania 35, here are five things WWE needs to stop doing in order to make things truly perfect. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us what you think WWE needs to stop doing?

#5 Sexual content

Let’s be honest here!

WWE has a penchant for delving into sexual content from time to time and while every once in a while the company comes up with something great, they more often end up with something cringe-worthy and nonsensical. The latest example of this was Alexa Bliss’s interactions with Finn Balor on Raw and the results were less than stellar.

Of course a lot of that has to do with the fact that Balor is in the middle of an undrwhelming run as IC Champion, but him being put on A moment of Bliss only made things worse. Beyond all that, WWE teasing something sexual when they know they can’t follow up on it is going to upset fans and maybe even run them off before long.

All in all, WWE needs to stay in their lane and focus on good storytelling. Sure, a little sexual content might pop the ratings every once in a while, but with no way to capitalize on it, it really yelds no long term benifits. It also doesn’t make the superstars involved with the segments look very good, which is another big problem.

#4 Claiming they listen to the fans.

No more talk!

Regardless of whether WWE actually listens to the fans or not, repeatedly claiming it and doing the opposite of what the fans want is getting pretty tiring. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it comes at a time when the company has some legitimate great storylines on their hands and don’t need to rely on this tired old gimmick.

With that being said and WWE bringing this prop out again from time to time, the company needs to stop focusing on these pointless slogans and start focusing on how to make WWE television, even more, must-see than it already is. Beyond that, they need to show that they listen to the fans more instead of just saying it.

Either way, WWE needs to put their money where their mouth is and show the fans that they are being listened to. They also need to show them that their opinions matter and that they help shape the overall product. Again, none of this is going to be done through talk. It must be done by the action of continuing to create an astounding product.

#3 Relying on certain superstars

In all honesty, one of WWE’s biggest problems is the fact that they continue to rely on the same superstars over and over again. Not only is this counterproductive to the idea of creating new stars, which will also be discussed later on in this list with the topic of nostalgia, it also creates a very bland and predictable product at times.

For example, why keep relying on superstars like Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey, Brock Lesnar and even AJ Styles in the title picture when the company has produced more than enough alternatives to take their place. Sure, these superstars are cornerstones of their respective divisions, but that doesn’t mean that they are the end all be all.

In the end, WWE would benefit so much if they would just step out of their own way and learn to create new stars. Fortunately for The WWE Universe, they seem to finally be doing that to some extent over the last couple of weeks, but its pretty much anyone’s guess whether the trend will continue or not.

#2 Taking Superstars out of matches.

Don’t get me wrong, Vince McMahon taking Kofi Kingston and Becky Lynch out of their respective title matches was an act of genius, the problem, however, comes when you consider how much he has used. With that being said and McMahon seemingly doing this over and over again, you can see where it starts to become mute.

Beyond that, the move loses some of its impact every time WWE does it and while it is a great tool to show that McMahon is out of touch, there are other ways that the company can explore this narrative. For example, what if McMahon outright fires someone or puts Finn Balor in The Cruiserweight division?

Both of those things would be a great way to show just how out of touch McMahon’s character can be and further the need for Triple H and Stephanie to take over power. WWE could even bring ratings into the storyline, which would really be the best way to root this whole thing in reality and make McMahon’s needed exit all the more apparent.

#1 Stop relying on nostalgia

Believe it or not, WWE’s biggest problem seems to be their need to always capitalize on nostalgia. Now nostalgia on its own isn’t a bad thing and has proven quite lucrative for the company in the past, but again, when you start to do it too many times you begin to take away from what made the moment special in the first place.

For example, WWE has relied on The Shield to pull them out of tough spots over the past couple of years and the move is starting to lose its appeal. Beyond that, it is starting to create a situation where the company is so interested in going back to what may have worked at one time that they don’t try to create something new!

With that being said, bringing The Shield out for another go around isn’t a bad idea in itself, but it needs to be backed up by equally well put together programming across the card. In the end, WWE can’t afford to lose focus on the other storylines they have marinating right now and that could be what happens if the company continues to rely on nostalgia.

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